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Quality control process managment

Starting state

Factoria is a Mexico-based company, with 200+ employees that provides quality control services for the automobile industry, verifying components coming from sub-suppliers to be sent to car manufacturers and installed in cars. This verification method requires thorough documentation and with thousands of components going through a multi-step process, documentation can become a logistical challenge, especially with it changing multiple times, requiring real time updates.


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Process optimalization
Work time monitoring

Next steps

The company had been using a FileMaker application for many years, but quality control results were first entered manually on paper using control scorecards. These cards then needed to be transcribed from these cards into the system. The business needed help with moving as many employees' activities as possible into a digital environment, while making the technical documentation repository available to mobile devices.


With our help, the business was able to have production workers enter data directly on their tablets during control activities. Thanks to our improvements, shift managers can see real-time progress along with each person's performance indicators and can react quickly to possible bottlenecks. Documentation is available in electronic form and work time is registered automatically. Finally, the tedious and time-consuming task of rewriting data from paper cards has been eliminated.

Created Software

We achieved these goals by expanding on the existing system with a module available for production employees. This works on mobile devices and allows both immediate access to technical documentation regarding each tested product and the ability to record the results of the inspections carried out coupled with the automatic registration of work times. The system now measures the team’s effectiveness and visualizes it in a way that enables quick reaction to undesirable events.

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